When it comes to how real people view your business products or services they will often judge them by the quality of your website. Just how people often judge another  person by how they are dressed and speak.  The first impression is how they are dressed.

Now if someone was trying to sell you an expensive item or persuade you that their service was better than their competitor you most definitely would expect that person to be dressed professionally. Its the same way with your website.

With 65% of senior marketing executives believing that visual assets are core to how their brand story is communicated, and content with relevant images getting 94% more views than content without relevant images, you can’t afford to use poor quality or generic photography on your website.

Other things to consider:

  • Are you using custom images that are a consistent size and quality throughout your website?
  • Are your product images high-quality and a consistent size?
  • If you have a primary header image, is it high-resolution?
  • Are the colors used harmoniously and logically related?
  • Are the color choices visually accessible?
  • Are your social media icons customized to match your website style and consistent throughout your website?