If you love your website, then you should consider the importance of why responsive  websites just aren’t cutting it anymore. When your content is not displayed accurately, your customers will be turned away,  period.

Trip Down Memory Lane

I remember when I first started designing websites a few years back, with the mindset that responsive sites were all the buzz and what customers truly needed. However, with so many different screen sizes and shifts from tablets to phones with larger screens, it’s important to recognize that responsive doesn’t mean that it is “truly” meant for your smart phone.

Personal Experience 

I consider myself to be a “foodie” – someone who loves to dabble in unique food or just a lover of any food to devour. Whenever I have spontaneous trips to the inner city, i’m either on my bike, or on my smart phone. The problem that I always run into, is that my favorite restaurant is not even remotely visible from my smart phone – leaving me to starve to death (okay, not literally. I just really wanted to eat at this restaurant and then I had to break my mind away from that genre of food and lock onto something else.)

Now, it may not always be a life and death situation such as mine, but it’s important to a person who is always on the go. For instance – have you ever tried to get to where you needed to be through a GPS? You plug in the address found on the company or restaurant website, only to find out your GPS device tells you that the address doesn’t exist? That’s exactly how I feel when a company doesn’t have a mobile website. More times than none, I usually end up going somewhere else – hence, your website (or lack there of) is turning away customers.

Things to Consider

Mobile websites, in essence, are actually a very simple set up. Here are some things to consider when creating a true mobile website:

1. Important Content

Company logo, mission statement, phone number, address.

2. Communicate

Since you are trying to have a “true” mobile website, make sure that it will communicate across all platforms. Not every smartphone can handle animated movement such as flash or heavy video content.

3. Tired Thumbs (or pointer fingers)

Please, please refrain from overloading our smartphones with content. For people who are on the go and want to find the information they need immediately, keeping your content to a minimum is key. Remove all of the filler information, and put what is most important from a customer standpoint.

4. The Option

When creating a mobile website, make sure you give the option of being able to access the full site. You never now when a customer might want to access the full website for an unknown reason. It’s best to cover all of your bases and add in the option for those “just in case moments.”